Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Life Learning with Shaun

So this semester has been kicking my butt. Between working, graduate school applications, and Statistics in Psychology I have spent many nights staying in the ELC til 1 am figuring out what I am doing. This leads to things that I have learned during this hell semester.
  • sometimes people really don't have your back or best interests at heart. Here is what I mean. I sent my personal statement for graduate school to three different people with what the requirements are for them. All 3 were saying it was a good statement. Then I sent it to my friend in one of my programs of choice, and he ripped it apart and gave me the constructive criticism that I really needed. Find those people and stay close to them. They will want you to be the best, no matter what is going on.
  • sometimes you need some "me" time. This can come in the form of something delicious, a netflix show, hulu, or something like Revenge.
  • spend some time cleaning your room, bathroom or other places you spend some extra time at. 
  • when life seems to throw lemons at your face, or different curveballs, look for the silver linings. Example: Life is crazy. I find myself getting more and more overwhelmed with everything. I have been lucky enough to become surrounded by a great support system. The amount of people who will run things and jump to my aid, let me vent, or someone I can just talk to.
Well friends and family, it is day one of finals week, I am 1 down, 5 to go. Here is to a supply of Dr. Pepper, trail mix, sandwiches, and stress.