Monday, December 17, 2012

To an all-star

My SUU time has been a crazy one. and this semester has been a bitter sweet one. One of my mentors, confidants, and idols is graduating. Her name? Sydnie Juniper Landeen. Since I became a Sociology Major last Spring we have had 5 classes together. Some of the quirks about this lovely lady I am going to miss: (I got some pictures from Bailey Bowthorpe, her sister Jaclyn, and Weston and Shelby helped me add to the list)

  • The first interesting fact she told me about herself is that she sneezes in the shower
  • We have taken 5 classes together in two semesters. She knows me as well as I know myself
  • She is my "mom" of PA's. She even gives me that look when I slip an occasion swear. She was the President of PA's when I came in. BUT more importantly is that she is my friend.
  • She rocked an awesome pair of Frog headphones last year. I was jealous.
  • She talks in her sleep.
  • She loves James Taylor.
  • And Neil Diamond.
  • And The Carpenters.
  • And a more recent obsession with Celine Dion.
  • She is going to Montreal Canada for 18 months speaking French to those French speaking Canadians over there.
  • She buzzed her hair in high school for a fundraiser. How legit is that?
  • She always sends a legit Christmas card
  • She LOVES grandparent culture.
  • She had some senioritis (but who doesn't their last semester at school)
  • She loves French
  • and French Fries
  • and French Bread.
  • and French Toast.
  • French kiss???
  • She loves Galoshes.
  • One of her favorite foods is a BLT (Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich)
  • She has an amazing collection of scarfs
  • And Christmas sweaters.

  • She also sneezes when she blows her nose
  • She loves to cook and bake
  • She puts butter on her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • and that PB&J sandwich is pretty delish.
  • She was outraged that Bread and Soup Nite raised prices by a dollar. (that is a 100% increase folks)
  • When we carved a pumpkin Mid-October, thinking it would last til Halloween. It didn't.
  • She always wears matching socks. Whether it be Frogs, Santa Claus, or fuzzy.
  • Her "Muppet" voice. And me trying to replicate it while studying for a test.

  • She got addicted to Essential Oils (that was because of me)

  • Her shoes come off frequently during the day. It is hard to write papers or pay attention when your feet hurt.
  • She started back up dancing at Christmas Karaoke night. Needless to say it was a hit.
  • Ever since I "liked" something from on her Facebook profile, I have had non-stop ads about mens underwear. non. stop.
  • Her driving snack when we went north was Pringles. Go figure.
  • When Amie, Natalie, myself, and Syd would try and study for a Deviance test for Ostrowsky.
  • Owstrowsky's beard.
  • Experiencing the story of Old Main on Halloween.
  • She rocks a fanny pack.
  • Her making me a heart shaped pancake at the fall PA retreat.
  • Twice.

  • Her straw farting. Classic.
  • she plays the harmonica
  • When she played the Watermelon at the PA Fall Retreat with Scott.

  • She makes awesome posters for pageants.

  • She is known for putting people's faces on a Popsicle stick. AKA crafty.
  • I will remember the conversation we had when I told her my Grandma had died, and she shared her own dealing with death. She became my hero that day.
This is only a partial list of things I am going to miss about this girl. We have had many deep conversations and she has given me so much advice and wisdom.

This is for you Sydnie Juniper Landeen. Thank you for telling me to let Paula Perry become my best friend, you were dead on with that. Thank you for everything you have taught me. Thank you for being my friend. I promise I will write you at least 9 letters while you are in Canada. (I can't count the MTC cuz that is kinda like cheating). Thanks you for always being there for me when things got rough, or I just had no idea what to do. Au Revior my friend. I will always remember you. And we had better stay in touch since you are in A.F. and I am in Lindon. SUU would not have been the same without you, and I know it will miss you too.


Friday, December 7, 2012

History, little bit of sentiment

"If you do not remember your past you are doomed to repeat it"

I find this saying very fitting today. As today is the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entrance into WWII. I find this a very sentimental day. My oldest uncle on my Dad's side was blessed on this day. My grandpa was not a member of the LDS faith, so I can only imagine the struggle in their home. My Grandpa Wright served in WWII. I don't have a copy of the letters with me at school that he wrote my to my Grandma while he was across the world. I just know that he had some very close calls, and was definitely injured.

This may be why I have such a deep appreciation to those in the military. They go up and leave on their  assignments, leaving their families and loved ones behind. So, here is to all of the armed forces out there, protecting our interests at home and abroad. Know there are people here that are supportive of you. Be safe, and may your Holidays be bright.